Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I don't enjoy at all about what i'm gonna do or what i'm doing currently.
as well as what i'm watching and what i'm listening.

okay~ day 2.
i'm not as sleepy as the first day, but i'm totally freaked out when trying to fit myself into the scene. askin for description? yea there are~ SIEN..

sien on??
many things. but one is more than enough for me to talk about a single day. hmm~ i might complain again in another day.

1. teachers using stupid excuses to convince us to go for f6.
"banggalah krn mendapat tawaran utk meneruskan pengajian f6 di sinmin"
"u can learn a lot, so much more than those in matriculation"
"i always think f6 students in sinmin look smart"
"the school staff put high hopes in f6 students"

HEY FREAK! if so why i don't see those top students coming back, and why am i still see you helping your kids appeal for different kinda sponsorship, or sending them to IPTS? LOOK~ i don't think you are stupid, but stop lying. EVERY SINGLE PERSON knows~ there are something wrong about STP, or else why is everyone putting hopes on matrix or jpa? matter fact, which kind of jerk would put F6 as his/her first choice? hey oldies, even if your kids think so, u wouldn't allow them too.

sien~ i wonder why G offering more opportunities to SPM top scores. do they ever think of STP is proudly announced as one of the toughest exam in the world?! so why are they giving top scores opportunity to go matrix or blablabla? one more! if they wanna keep talented people, why not they lock them into IPTA after being forced to finish STP? so sad you are using the wrong way, u put the stupid dumbers in and giv them speech on"timemanagement", "studyhard", "don't give up easily" blablabla... just to convince them to accept their lousy fate. HEY U JERK! I'M TALKING ABOUT U! WAKE UP MAN!

too bad, too bad. and this is for the PEOPLE who use themselves as examples. i mean~ those who shared their stories on getting F6."kamu perlu tahu betapa gembira dan bangga ketika kami mendapat tawaran untuk pergi ke 大学先修班" "kamu perlu tahu ketika itu hanya mempunyai beberapa universiti untuk melanjutkan pelajaran" DIAO! u're makin mistakes here! ketika itu~~ so why are u still using that point pada masa kini?? ketika itu u're not driving 9288! ketika itu u can't even see PENANG BRIDGE when u're using ferry! hey~ stop it. i'm fed up listening too many "sweet words". here's a better line for u to start your speech.

"pertama sekali saya ingin megumumkan ucapan takziah yang tidak terhingga kepada para pelajar yang akan memasuki F6... "


-WeiiP!NG- said...

takziah ~

展翅鼻翼 said...

absolutely agree, but wat else can v do? there is ntg fair in this world, v can jz chging our minds