i wonder if anyone notice abt these, but i'm talking about things i've noticed pass few days -
1) KHALIL 方大同!OH MY GOOOOOSH. somehow, i dunno how to describe, he's fantastic. so damn fantastic! tht's what we call a concert is - perfomers don't only sings, HE played 'em well. so damn well! we're quite near in distance, but i'm beside u when u're on the grand piano! haha...
2) KL的查某好好野 - GENTING's as well. but so what?! unapproachable~ tht's how we (2 ming) describe. yea, obviously - LV bags, CHANEL perfume, shopping in PAVILLION really freak us out! i wonder where thy got their money to spend on THEM, especially when 2 sets of lingeries cost about RM170, cheap? garh.. i only spent RM9.90 on a box which containing 5s.. come on! i assume tht isn't public, so u show RM85 to the mirror? hah..
3) kissing, 依依偎偎ing - gosh! why are u doing in front of me? making me envy or~ a hint for me to join? hah. who cares~ but why not u spent RM200+ & RM3.30 in a room? ew.. i don't mean to be closed minded, i can accept what u guys did, but not for about half-an-hour!
4) grass and flowers in the school - hah! tht's sounds more likely to M'sia. it's not what we use to do, nor what we use to organise~ ok u can bring in that culture, but why are u using rotten flowers or withered grasses?! by the way what's the purpose? the one who gets the most votes getting a free trip to smsm toilet? or those who vote tht specific she/he stand a chance to snap a photo with the winners? cheh! what's the point? or u mean - the grass and flower gonna be together after the competition? blah..
5) 少了你我活不下去-ew~ u're so damn cheap! u make it sounds like u are a prawn without the shell! well if so i'm gonna name u as - 虾膏~ (wow! the phrase which i stop using for quite a time~) buat apa byk org so.. sounds pathetic~?! ok for those who are lonely, i'm not gonna comment, i was in your shoes before. so for those in relationship - why are u telling your ONE to do this or not to do that?! err... i realise this when a fren told me about this. yea, it makes sense. why? why are u doin tht?
tht's it for now. off to nasi lemak
i like the way you scold!
or maybe ur not scolding.XD
anyway,i like it!
1)quite like what u hv posted... though i insist that khalil's songs nt nice,XD
2)and the most funny thing that i hv realised is that after noticing that so many ppl is commenting and complaining about the group, here come the reason that he jz wan us try 2 respect each others...huh?O.o
what's that sound like?properly he jz think of that reason these few days...and i commented at his status shooting about his mistake...oops...his status miraclely disappear...LMAO..and nw he keeps on posting ppl photos asking ppl 2 support yet hw himself din take part in it...><
3)k for those who are lonely, i'm not gonna comment, i was in your shoes before, is that means that u r in a relationship recently???XDXD
LOL...yk arh ! dont voice it out la although you already know he's holding a relationship....!! he will paiseh de....
cehhh! it's actually a single but unavailabe situation ok=.= hah!
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