Thursday, December 23, 2010


It's early in the morning! Must be peculiar enough to see me awake in these hours. Mum seriously condemned on my unusual sleeping habits, in the sense that i had been practising US time zone for the last whole week, and i started my Sydney time zone last night. Wee..
So what i would do in the dark? Idling around on the screen for hours of course. Speaking about screens. something i would like to share. New age COMEDIES sucks. no elaboration. =)

It feels great to see friends around having awesome life. They have a dream(s) to achieve, they got a lovely family as back up. etc. Doesn't mean i do not have though. Worst part is, we people just used to comment, or criticize on one's so-called Dream. We would think : Noah i bet she not gonna make it / Enjoy daydreaming dude!(Oh it's 3am, u must be sleep-talking). Awesome!
Cause we all know we hardly make it happen, so why you? 
Yea i am a part of them. and HIGH 5, cause you ain't much different =D

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