Sunday, August 29, 2010

Nevermind, I don't mind.

Don't go near anyone when you're mad.
especially your old man, he might even tell you don't use 'kongkam' too often.

who cares

right. who cares, when u still looking stupid ass holes around, acting more likely to moron. Alright u care, people around u may care too but we all enjoy remaining silent it seemed. Why? cuz we're young before, and we did mistakes when we're young. Now he is the person who still under-ages, so why care if he's still making mistakes? September is around the corner, we'll see if he choose to wake up or continue day dreaming with the 18+ girl.

life could be great. when u suddenly heard a song which u had accidentally delete it from any folder, and u forget about it for months.Instrumental songs are great, no more Yiruma this time. Rap songs with awesome beat, cut out the rap part, i bet u never realized how cool it could be. Yea, i mean really COOL!

don't watch news too often. it simply poops up fury, at least to me. it's absolutely absurd but u still have to take it as nothing goes wrong. it's totally different from what the old man mentioned though.

as i've mentioned before, don't be lansi. No matter u could be or u enjoy to be. Did you ever seen before people giving negative comments on Khalil? no, but JayChou did. In fact, a lot.

Learn to be alone, though u might not enjoy to be. Don't laugh too often, u might lose the golden opportunity to be emo in coming days. Ohya, don't laugh too loud, u might awaken the other side of the 'heart', namely moody. Why choose to be alone? cuz one day u might realize the person u used to mix piss u off, then u couldn't accept it then u choose to find a girlfriend in the sake of loneliness, wuu. It just sounds so damn stupid.

Ohya i do enjoy waking up early, select the song i wanted to listen before i walk into the bathroom. Start your journey to school at the time u usually just get up from the bed. but the thing is, i don't know what to do in the 20minutes! don't feel like want to study, and i've finished the homework. Chatting with girls like most of the guys do? ok only if the subject is alone, no predators targeting, ok that is when i make my move. but come on, i'm used to duty before class since form1, what u expect me to do when suddenly i don't have to.

Treat yourself better, then u forget how to treat the person u loved even better. You care of yourself more, then u choose to go through the ups and downs alone. Then u could be dare enough to watch movie alone, u may not know whether there's any'one' sitting beside u sharing popcorn when u own a single row in the cinema box.

Watch foreign tv series more often, firstly it's unlike local ones, which keep on shooting retro scene, and also too many moral values. Don't ever mention about black coloured skin production. Stupid ideas with illogical story line, sometimes even a badly defective person could be the main character. They couldn't even find a better actress with larger boobs, or better body lines. Look GG, i believe there're people who watch it just because of her at the first point, the story? latter. Perhaps Chuck's lifestyle? come on, learn how a rich guy spent and speak, why watch a chicken seller going after a model?

Make things cool. I use cool in the sense that be different, woody is right. Same quote can be used in different circumstances, like how? See men around is trynna be good, be considerate towards girl, mix with specific girl way too often though they aren't officially together yet. Stupid girls don't mind, well that means i'm not suppose to be so concern on it i guess. Well i'm just a observer, we all are. Just as namewee, he observes, then he react. Am i suppose to do something like him? hee^^ i'm gonna do something even better.

I always wanted to be different. Do something as long as it's not following the norm, like go after a girl then quit in the middle of the path, or it's already the end. idk. what else? enjoy being alone but don't enjoy single when staring at guys flirting with babes. I prefer if girls come towards me, especially moderately tall and thin girls with hot pants, fair and flawless skin as well. I enjoy 'fuck'ing around, sigh very often, speak lust-ly. It's kinda tough to find people with same perspectives as u, so before u find one, learn to walk alone, sitting alone in 4-seats table having sundae cone.

OngPangPi are cool, LimKhengHoe as well. For so many times i almost break the ice and straight away ask: how u live the in past times? what about now? especially when u see woman, imagine what they do at night, and you're doing almost the same thing, the only thing different is that your subject is actually your five-fingers plus a warm palm!

-use NIVEA for men, soon u'll find what u did are mostly for men. One day u forget how to treat a girl well, when tht girl complaints about it? - - nah, she wont. cuz she don't mind, i guess- life is great, when u don't text a friend a lot, u don't even call, but when u meet, u're still good fellows. I wonder why couple couldn't be the same?

Hmm, it seems like i'm severly lack of moral values. but i wonder what moral values actually are? what's the TRUTH bible believers searching? It's actually a norm that everyone supposed to follow. Ew~ so we must go on like how past times goes? another EW. I'm young, and i'm (immature/mature). u decide, but i'm not gonna care.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

在悬崖旁 跟你说话





Thursday, August 26, 2010

这是一个没有生命力的下午 当心跳停止的时候再慢慢窒息


Sunday, August 22, 2010









天气很好 没晒伤头脑 风吹晾凉 脚踩湿湿的洋灰板

太阳像便秘一样 想把阳光刺热热地释放
阳光塞在屁股 想痛痛快快大出来好难好难

人类呢 也很烂

Saturday, August 21, 2010

旅行 就是应该酱

Well, things were great in the past 2 days. Spent not much, cuz i'm penang-born SP kia!

*Food was great, especially when u can eat as much as can, but i still i spent the most on that.
*People were great, u never wonder how great it is surrounded by pretty girls, they're sitting in front of u, behind u. U might see boys waving hands over here, or another groups of pretty girls smiling at u. U never know one day there is pretty girl staring at your back every time u turn your back on her. (the way is - sit in front of her la!! XD)
*Facilities were great. The fastest lift i've ever used before. 10 floors in 10 seconds, plus the early raya songs. Bath tub was great, i could play songs while i'm soaking inside. Ohya and the aircond left opened for more than 56 hours i guessXD
*Scenery was great. Imagine u were at 10th floor, u sleep with the curtain opened. Street lights seem melancholy, especially in the raining night. High-rise buildings help to block the sun rays, and mosquito-free environment. I was thinking what if one day i'm gonna buy an unit in any of the condos in the city. Well, Taek Jho Low already did~
*Rules are great. Rules are, no rule! Be good foremost, then people gonna trust u're a good one. U can have party at the next night, drink beer in girls room, what else?? Eavesdropping at the opposite room. "(night)明天才给~(morning)RM150 lah~"
* Window shopping was great, except watching people u recognized seemed confused on making decision between padini & parkson. Finally they ended up at FOS.
* Girls are awesome! Forget about those under-ages ones with sexy outfit, i'm talking about fair skin in front of me on the escalator. Lady in pink was great though, so sad his bf was trying to have intimate contact with her. Make-up is important, if u're trying to get attention from guys at their first sight. Don't forget to change your T-shirt, it makes u look dull. "Hey! the one with singlet is bowing man!!"
*Foreigners were even better. Ohio could be good enough, at least u can start to learn to speak with American-english. We snapped photos in the pool, out of the pool, yet we didn't know each others name. "Hey u can speak english! Some of the chinese don't even know"
* Schedule? Err, they had printed out one and distributed to us, but we didn't follow. Well i don't mind, FREESTYLE pn.ho!
* Emo sites? Yea i found one. Notice there are round seats right in front of the large screen of Komtar, watching cars and people walking around, and u started feeling loneliness when u suddenly couldn't reach anyone on the phone. Gotta find one in kl in the next trip =)

10 great stuffs. Let's see what's great next? ohyea FB photo tagging!! guess soXD

Thursday, August 19, 2010


the day before 15th, a hectic one. slept at around 1, woke up at 6. supposed to be enough, i thought 5 hours is good enough. In fact, i was so fresh on the way to school, hehe, i was the driver. I manage to be the earliest to get into the car that morning. U can see how excited i am.

I realized there's nothing to excite about, look, it's just 450ml of blood in your blood stream flowing through a narrow tube, then a strange plastic container.

Some mentioned i seemed excited in bilik wawasan, i was the first among L6 to sign the form, the first 10 to do blood test, bp and the confirmation procedure. Tada! look at the photo i was tagged on, do i look cute on the bed?i guess soXD

but! after the donation, i wasn't that cool anymore. Yet, i was pale. I hardly move a muscle in the class. Classmates were great, lend me their seats and i made them as bed. a hard one=.= after 16 floors i've climbed, i thought i don't need to depend on the iron tablets.. i overestimated how strong i amXD

OMFG, it's almost 3am. gotta be instant!
1st night: cool, after a nap in the afternoon, i was recharged! i could stay up until 1am that night.

2nd day: badminton in the afternoon.@_@ totally exhausted after the game, it's monday night. i supposed to watch FF&GG, but i slept at 9pm. Hehe, straight away until the next day.

3rd day: on the way to school - - feet! aiyar! lengzai was down=.=... somehow, i felt down from the bike, need not to worry, i was still cool, the bike too. pulled it up, check the discbrake, something wrong with that. Got some scratches on the palm, poor uniform, a lil dirty at the shoulder.The worst part is - my inti souvenir bag was thorn, i brought it to school for the first day, now it cannot be used anymore T.T Move on~ to school. in the lab, garhgarh=.= hotness surrounded, i realized i didn't take tablets in the morning, but it wasn't with me. never mind, NGO DENG!! afternoon, badminton again~ blablabla.. when i was back, HOU GUI AA!! i've forgotten when i slept, but the time i wake again, it's around 12. mum's hand certified: AHMING! FEVER LA! waaa~ mummy so geng@@!! panadol helped at last.

4th day: morning, already cure i guess. i can go to school. Hmm, nothing wrong in the school, except some severe headache. Experienced ones mentioned that could be symptoms of lack of blood. hmm~ maybe.

ok. that's all i guess.

Your blood is REPLACEABLE but A LIFE is not ! "Give Life A Chance !" Donate Blood.
-quote from RICHARD ANG-

tomorrow gotta be a great day. look! i can still blogging at this hour!XD!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

hou ku a!!
wanna join?XD

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday night

Nothing different as usual, except different songs introduced by Gossip Girl.
Nate and Chuck are still cool, Serena still keeps on finding her true love.

Feel like talk about something else, a lot of things actually, but the kick start was the hardest part. Listening to Paramore is great.
Night without air-conditioning is great.
Night with well-ironed uniform is great.

Everyone is still fine. I'm fine. he's fine too i guess.
Yes, because we suppose to be.

Good night. I bet u guys are having a good one too.

Friday, August 6, 2010


琴晚晏训 今朝训醒有d眼训
打个喊露转 转过身再训多一阵
你话我孤独 起码唔洗同人争被
系时候起身 已经成一点

同 d三唔识七嘅人倾闲计
真系得意 有d人挂住上网
反而同身边嘅人 冇咗来往
有D肚饿 但系餸又冇买
咁就唯有顶住肚 点解

什麽都不做 在家里
电话在响 我 听不见
什麽都不做 好悠闲

什麽都不做 ...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

If U are 'I'

let's imagine a story
You were at the foot of a mountain, a real high one. First, u have the courageous to climb to the peak, excitedly u started. After hours of hard rock and heavy jungles, there's still a long journey to reach the top. Halfway u met wild wolfs. They are fierce, seemed to tear off your flesh and share the prey among themselves. You ran! You ran so damn fast, slipped under a huge rock. Thinking u successfully escaped from the hungry wolfs, you thought that was lucky. Then u got a bite, it's from a snake. You don't know whether it's a poisonous one. Never mind, just 2 bites. At once u grabbed a hard rock, hit it until it due. The wound was still bleeding. But u looked at the peak, convinced yourself u must get up there. So, journey goes on.

After hundreds and thousands of footsteps, u started feeling pain at the ankle, u started getting tired. U still don't know whether there is poison started moving nearer to your heart. U keep on walking. People might comment about your determination, praising your perseverance. Mean time u getting lesser water supply. U thought there is water flowing from the mountain, but u found nothing, and u started getting worried because something doesn't happen as u wish.

Second night, you're sleeping. woke up from a nightmare, u couldn't find your backpack. Now u lost something that always belong to u, your map, your water bottle, your torchlight, your dslr, your apple. despite staring at the crime scene which u don't know who committed, u keep on moving. Now you are a climber, an unlucky climber.

After a day of walking and a fasting day, u think of giving up. Fortunately u found a tree with rambutans, but only a little were already ripen. Immediately plucked some of them, ants surrounded your hands. u don't care, keep on eating. After filling up the empty stomach, your spirit was back. U ran. U wanted to fulfill your dream as early as possible, before you get hungry again, before anything worse happen again. Now the worst thing happen. U started feeling ache in your stomach, and of course the wound at the ankle. U keep on running, because u can see u almost reach the end of the jungle.

Yes, U came out from the jungle. but u left nothing but a pair of hands and limbs.
Now u realize u out of oxygen supply. U spared a mini oxygen can in the backpack before u start, now u lost it. The peak seems so near to u than at the foot, yet there's still a long journey. No oxygen tank, no water, no downpour, no shelter, no nothing.
Yes, u have a dream.
Now u still dare to dream?
U got scars and wounds at legs and arms.
U got a thirsty throat. no leeway.

now u rather choose not to have that dream before u start the journey.

now u rather move to the highest cliff, jump into the deepest valley. before thirst drives u crazy.

sometimes people don't realize
that escaping could also be the one of the best way to solve problem

Maybe, or not

but 50% means so much to me.

yes, i don't like to burden anyone of u
that's why i wouldn't tell anyone of u what i'm actually vexed off
perhaps i had
but not all.
cause i don't like to share things unpleasant
cause i don't like if others share such things when i'm in thrilled mood.

yes, i've changed.
a lot.
sometimes even me myself how much i've changed.
i don't know how i start to have different perspectives.
i don't know how i start to act in different patterns.
i don't know why am i doing these.
i don't know why am i thinking like this.

yes, i'm not good. and i failed
i failed in my test.
i failed in the game this afternoon.
i failed to make my partner proud.
i failed to smack the shuttlecock right at the opponent face.
i failed to control myself
i failed to be a successful person
i fail in making decision
i fail in putting myself back in top form after losing
i fail to be the person i suppose to be
i fail to reminisce how was i before everything started
i fail to make a change, a better change
things that i could proud of myself?
yea, i have a mom who is willing to buy me any kinda food for meal
but that's not my contribution
it's my dad.
he picked a right one.
nothing to do with me

yes, i am what u said
i realize people don't look u at the way
the way u try to make yourself look in front of others

yes, i also think of going bungee jump before
but i can do that
only if i manage to go through the upcoming climax

yes, you are wrong about what u're thinking about me
u know nothing
nobody knows
wondergirls don't know too

I have no guts

imagine the rough wind blows
thunder striking
lovely sunshine turns into black clouds

i might choose to standstill
face the storm
in a shelter

i couldn't find anything to make me feel better

i dare not to dream
cause i realize i'll be getting nothing when i'm awake
i dare not to dream
or maybe i have dreams before
but i told myself stop dreaming
cause the dream not gonna come true
cause it's just a dream

i have no guts, right


i'm afraid of being loser.
i couldn't accept the fact that i lost.
or maybe at the verge of fail.
i hardly convince myself to stay strong.
"no, u can do it!" these words never shown up before.
or maybe do, but i failed. at last.

things might happen again, or going to happen again.
somehow i rather choose to surrender earlier
so much earlier
before the game starts
i'm afraid of losing.
