Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dear followers..

hey.. haha
i wonder do u guys felt annoyin? haha
i posted more than one post a day haha
i know it cn fill up your time haha
but it could be annoying too haha
especially when u sign in and see the blog updates haha
almost mine everytime haha

there are 4 followers now. haha
keep it on. haha

eh, abt leaving comment, i've look for the settings.. no problem written there. but~ err.. dunno la, use the chat box first la.. or u cn call me? haha..

Ringring* - "helo ming ar, i wana leave comment ar, on your XXXX(title) post, i wana say hor..... blablablablabla.. ok.. thankyou. bye~"

hee^^ i can still accept. U may choose to get a reply from here or on that call. Ask me out oso can. hahaha.. i'm freakin insane now. hahahahahaha..

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