Friday, April 16, 2010

Michael Buble - Home

Hmm~ i'm sure i'm not a person that like to stay at home very often, but nvm.. I'm just listening.

k~ we're not gonna talk about that, i'm just listening to it while i'm blogging.

it's 3 in the morning, i remember a fren told me before "take care your health, some people can't even stay awake for a whole night. U might regret when u facing that problem."
i know i know

arh~ i'm still.. not emo, i've deleted something if u didn't realise. Now i know the consequences on doing that. No it not yet happen but someone reminds me about tht. I better act faster, though i know i've left a footprint in their mind. Aih~ sorry. wudeva..

I'm still trying to deal with my positive thinking.. Hmm, pretty tough. But it's actually as easy as kacang i know. Just do what i can do know. Wat else? wait and see, enjoy what i have now. & continue daydreaming^^

Sorry grandma,u guess wrongly. U need not to ask so frequently when am i going to go some where away from home. U still able to see your grandson for coming few years.. There are still someone who gonna talk to you, eat what u cook, and listen to your advice when he's arguing with your son or daughter-in-law. Oooo.. A-ma. I'm still at home^^

Something gonna keep on repeating. Something might change. Some ppl i might not gonna see for some time. Some ppl i gonna face almost every single day. Lifestyle remains - - - FREESTYLE!!

wow~ yeah baby!^^

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