Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hah! life i use to live before..

I remember..
I was once enjoy rapping, beat-boxing.. breakdancing? hah.. bt cheap one..^^

I still remember..
I use to go the nasi lemak stall near the mosque in the morning when i'm still named as "botak".
With tht group of fren who love speeding, smoking, boasting.

I use to joke about gals with guys..
We described gal as the best car - self lubricating, can move for 9 months with 5ml of "petrol", wide bumper and great spoiler.. hah~ but we still gonna pay road tax every Valentine or B'day. haha

B.o.B Nothin' on You. - - keep on repeating~ beautiful girls, all over the world..blablabla~~ yeah! but so as handsome guys. I admit i'm not one of them, and i'm not gonna be too. Yeah, i'm not as confident as before, so wat? haha.. I'm fine with this.

Come on. I'm Ready Now! wow~

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